Berlin/Dortmund, 28.02.2024
ASIGE, the advocacy for social inclusion and girl’s education enterprise from Bolgatanga in Ghana, will once again be presenting to the world the famous Bolga Baskets and hats all handwoven.
The venue this time around is Dortmund, in Germany, at Europe’s largest trade fair for creative design.

And, ASIGE products are really creative. Products crafted by women and girls, tailored to the unique characteristics of potential customers.
ASIGE stands for the empowerment of women and girls.

At Creativa in Dortmund, ASIGE will join a large array of mandarins in the design and creative industry from all over the world; on an extensive creative landscape showcasing product creativity and technique.

Creativa will run from 20 March to 24 March, 2024 at the Westphalen Halle Exhibition Grounds in Dortmund. The extravaganza includes the “professional”, “PerlenExpo”, “LandGarten”, “Puppen & Bären” and “Cake & Bake Dortmund” theme fairs.

It is at this exclusive trade event that ASIGE, a company dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by empowering rural women with sustainable skills for their livelihood.
At Creativa 2024, ASIGE will be showcasing its variety of six key products tailored to the unique specifications of its customers.

These categories include shopping baskets, handbags, hats, laptop bags, pet houses and decorative pieces.
All Photos Credit: ASIGE