Dr Yiadom is a leader and physician-scientists with expertise in clinical operations and timely emergency care delivery.
She spoke on the use of telemedicine within the Emergency Department to improve care flow for moderate acuity patients, the value of an walk-in clinic as a lower resource care location for unscheduled care, and the safe use of drive-through care during COVID-19 for potentially infected but stable patients.
The goal of the session was to present telemedical solutions and care models, along with their integration into existing documentation or record systems.
About the DMEA
DMEA is Europe’s leading event for digital health – where decision-makers from all areas of healthcare come together – from IT specialists to doctors, hospital and nursing managers, to experts from politics, business and science.
Around 16,200 participants came together at the Berlin exhibition centre in 2023. There were 735 national and international exhibitors and more than 300 speakers.
DMEA is organised by the Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT – bvitg e. V. The event is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH. DMEA is also organised in cooperation with the industry associations GMDS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie) e.V., BVMI (Berufsverband Medizinischer Informatiker) e.V. as well as with the participation of KH-IT (Bundesverband der Krankenhaus-IT-Leiterinnen/Leiter) e.V. and CIO-UK (Chief Information Officers – Universitätsklinika).