Extensive goodwill on the part of Deutsche Bahn towards customers – DB asks passengers to postpone their journeys if possible – Information on strike effects on bahn.de and in the DB Navigator app
Berlin, 19 April 2023
The Railway and Transport Union (EVG) has announced a nationwide warning strike for Friday morning, 21 April. This will affect all German railway operations, as employees from all areas of DB and other railway companies are called to strike. In DB’s regional and suburban rail services, as many connections as possible are to be offered again according to the regular timetable as soon as the strike ends. There may still be some disruptions in the course of the afternoon. DB’s long-distance services will be gradually resumed from 1 p.m. onwards. Nevertheless, the strike is expected to have a nationwide impact on ICE and IC trains until the early evening hours on Friday. Deutsche Bahn asks passengers, if possible, to bring forward their journeys planned for 21 April on long-distance and local services or to travel later.
DB is offering extensive goodwill arrangements for affected travellers: All passengers who wish to postpone their journey planned for 21 April due to the EVG strike can use their long-distance ticket booked up to and including 18 April flexibly from now until and including Tuesday, 25 April. Seat reservations can be cancelled free of charge. Further information is available at www.bahn.de/sonderkulanz.
In addition, the general passenger rights apply in the event of delays or train cancellations. Further information: www.bahn.de/fahrgastrechte.
DB will provide information on the effects of the EVG strike as soon as possible. Information will be available on bahn.de and in the DB Navigator app in the course of Wednesday afternoon. Travellers should inform themselves there before starting their journey. In addition, DB will set up a free strike hotline on 08000 99 66 33 from 3 p.m. on Wednesday.
Due to the short notice of the strike notice, goods trains will also be significantly impeded and backups will be triggered in the shunting yards. DB Cargo is in constant communication with customers in order to keep the impact as low as possible.
Photo: BahnTower (Copyright: Deutsche Bah AG)