

30/05/2022 ANA 0

There are legal principles governing sale of goods, however, we refer to famous doctrine from the Roman legal principles “caveat emptor” let the buyer beware, which applies specifically on sale of goods. Sale of goods […]

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General News

Ghanaian journalist launches whistle-blower support group

23/05/2022 ANA 0

Ghanaian investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas has launched “Wajsic” – the Whistleblowers and Journalists’ Safety International Centre. It’s a self-funded organisation designed to provide protection, safe houses, legal services and advocacy for journalists and whistleblowers […]

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The hopeful children battling deprivation

17/05/2022 ANA 0

Fifteen-year-old Kojo Ibrahim was a pupil at Laterbiokorshie Basic School in Accra. His dream was to become an electrical engineer. But that dream suffered violence about a decade ago when his parents fought, leading to […]


Akufo-Addo: il tumore maligno del Ghana

17/05/2022 ANA 0

da AO & KN di Accra I leader che presiedono all’indebolimento delle istituzioni statali indipendenti non fanno del bene ai loro Paesi. Un cittadino leale e sincero rafforzerà piuttosto queste istituzioni. Sono le istituzioni forti […]

General News

Акуфо-Аддо: злокачественная опухоль Ганы от AO & KN в Аккре

17/05/2022 ANA 0

Лидеры, которые руководят ослаблением независимых государственных институтов, не приносят пользы своим странам. Настоящий и лояльный гражданин скорее будет укреплять эти институты. Сильные институты – это то, что делает страну великой. Сидя здесь, в Аккре, мы […]

General News

Akufo-Addo: Tumor Maligno de Gana

17/05/2022 ANA 0

da AO & KN em Accra Líderes que presidem o enfraquecimento de suas instituições estatais independentes não fazem nenhum bem a seus países. Um cidadão verdadeiro e leal fortalecerá essas instituições. Instituições fortes são o […]

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