Innovation Committee promotes further future-oriented projects at the Charité
The Innovation Committee at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has launched 16 further projects for the development of new care approaches throughout Germany. The goal: to innovatively develop standard care for patients in Germany. One of the new projects is led by physicians from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. In future, people with unclear seizure disorders will be able to be diagnosed at home instead of spending several days in hospital. Teams from the Charité are also involved as partners in two other new projects.
The G-BA funds research projects to test approaches that go beyond the current standard care and open up new paths in care. After successful evaluation and recommendation by the Innovation Committee, these can be adopted in the standard provision of statutory health insurance. “The topics of the current funding wave show once again that projects that contribute to the digitalisation of healthcare and serve to shift previously inpatient services to the outpatient sector – in interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral healthcare networks – continue to gain in importance,” says Prof. Dr. Elke Schäffner, spokesperson of the Platform – Charité Healthcare Research. One of the newly funded projects uses computational approaches in neurology and is coordinated at the Charité:
Ambulatory Long-Term Video-EEG-EKG for People with Seizure Disorders (ALVEEG).

Around 5.5 million people across Germany suffer from seizures of unknown cause, which can be epilepsies, syncope or convulsions, for example. Innovative, portable video EEG monitoring systems, so-called wearables, and data evaluation by means of artificial intelligence should in future provide those affected, especially in rural regions, with fast, efficient and cross-sectoral access to diagnostics previously carried out as inpatients in the home environment – with the best proven standards. Equipped with a mobile EEG device and a camera, a video EEG lasting several days is created while patients can continue to follow their daily routine, work in their home office or look after children. The team at the Charité is planning a prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled intervention study at five epilepsy centres, which will include the doctors in private practice who are also treating the patients.
Project management: Private lecturer Dr. Christian Meisel, Clinic for Neurology with Experimental Neurology, Charité Mitte Campus and Berlin Institute for Health Research at the Charité (BIH).
The Charité is involved in two other projects as a consortium partner:
Evaluation of an interactive cross-sectoral “blended treatment” approach for alcohol use disorders after withdrawal – a combined approach of classical psychotherapy and online tools.
Consortium leadership: Evangelisches Klinikum Bethel gGmbH
Project management at the Charité: Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Heinz and Dr. Christian Müller, Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité Campus Mitte
Patients with heart failure have an increased risk of complications before, during and after operations. The project is therefore testing a perioperative interdisciplinary, intersectoral process optimisation for heart failure.
Consortium management: Justus Liebig University Gießen
Project management at the Charité: Prof. Dr. Sascha Treskatsch, Clinic for Anaesthesiology with a focus on operative intensive care medicine, Benjamin Franklin Campus.
Photo: First patient in the ALVEEG project, equipped with mobile EEG and camera for observation at home and project leader Privatdozent Dr. Christian Meisel, Department of Neurology with Experimental Neurology and Berlin Institute for Health Research at Charité (BIH) © Charité l AG Computational Neurology
Project funding by the Innovation Committee
Since 2016, the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) has been mandated to promote new forms of health care that go beyond the current standard care and health care research projects that are aimed at gaining knowledge to improve existing care in the statutory health insurance system. An innovation committee was set up at the G-BA for this purpose. The legally provided funding for the testing and evaluation of new forms of health care and for health services research amounts to 200 million euros in each of the years 2020 to 2024. 80 percent of the funds are earmarked for the promotion of new forms of health care, 20 percent of the funds for the promotion of health services research. The Innovation Fund is financed by the statutory health insurance funds from the Health Fund. With the projects that have now been approved, the Charité is and was the consortium leader of a total of 50 ongoing or already completed projects – 17 of which are in the area of new forms of health care, 28 in the area of health services research and five projects for the development and further development of medical guidelines. The Charité is and was involved as a consortium partner in a total of 34 projects.
Plattform – Charité Versorgungsforschung
G-BA Pressemitteilung vom 08.12.2022