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HEALTH: The hunt for new antibiotics

30/06/2012 ANA 0

Almost one in every five deaths worldwide occurs as a result of infection, but many bacterial illnesses will become incurable as the efficacy of current antibiotic drugs wanes, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). […]

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KENYA: Mombasa steels itself for attacks

30/06/2012 ANA 0

Following three grenade attacks in recent months and a US “terror” alert, residents of the coastal Kenyan city of Mombasa are bracing themselves for the possibility of future attacks; local leaders are working towards better […]

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MALI: Locusts could spread in rebel-held north

27/06/2012 ANA 0

Clouds of desert locusts have arrived in rebel-held northern Mali, where insecurity has hampered pest control, bringing fears that the insects may devastate a country already struck by drought, conflict, and the displacement of more […]

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