
Eunice Brookman-Amissah

01/12/2023 ANA 0

—Made her country Ghana proud STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 29.11.2023 Eunice Brookman-Amissah is a Ghanaian physician whose leadership has been instrumental in advancing safe abortion access across Africa. The Ghanaian physician has just been awarded the Right […]


The far-reaching consequences of child abuse

24/02/2023 ANA 0

Charité study shows connection between early trauma of mothers and health problems of their children Berlin, 24.02.2023 Stressful childhood experiences of a mother can have an impact on the mental and physical health of her […]


Warum Migräne häufig während der Menstruation auftritt

24/02/2023 ANA 0

Berlin, 23.02.2023 Werden Frauen von Migräneattacken heimgesucht, passiert das häufig kurz vor oder während der Monatsblutung. Ein Forschungsteam der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin hat jetzt eine mögliche Erklärung dafür gefunden. Der im Fachmagazin Neurology* veröffentlichten […]


German-American Trade and Tech Conference – Day 2

15/02/2023 ANA 0

The conference is the centerpiece of Aspen Germany’s German-American Trade and Tech Dialogue. The multi-stakeholder exchange forum is designed to foster understanding, trust and good faith between the two sides of the Atlantic. In the […]


German-American Trade and Tech Conference – Day 1

14/02/2023 ANA 0

The conference is the centerpiece of Aspen Germany’s German-American Trade and Tech Dialogue. The multi-stakeholder exchange forum is designed to foster understanding, trust and good faith between the two sides of the Atlantic. In the […]

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