Berlin University Hospital recruits new staff

Berlin, 17.04.2023
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin is today launching a city-wide campaign to recruit specialists for patient care, research and teaching, as well as administration and services. The aim is to make people aware of the numerous career opportunities at Berlin University Medicine and to inspire them to work as part of a multi-professional team.
Particularly in the nursing sector, the shortage of specialists is also noticeable at the Charité. More than 700 nurses are needed here alone, and there are more than 370,000 throughout Germany. In order to continuously meet the demands of cutting-edge medicine, employees from many other areas are also needed, such as employees in administration or IT. They all contribute to the special nature of the Charité and strengthen the team spirit. After all, it is only in a team that outstanding achievements for people’s health become possible.
“For a long time, we have been making great efforts to recruit skilled workers. However, developments on the labour market and demographic change are increasingly challenging us to find the staff we need,” says Carla Eysel, Member of the Board for Human Resources and Nursing at Charité. She adds: “In addition, structural changes are necessary in order to be perceived as an attractive employer. For example, it has become clear that working conditions can be improved for everyone if we adopt a multi-professional approach and also embrace and promote diversity in the large Charité.”
The campaign “Charité. Shaping the future. Every:r counts.” is visible throughout Berlin on large posters as well as digitally. The first motifs show employees from the health professions, research and clinical departments, as well as administration and teaching. These were created in the respective work situations of the employees and the “Charité-C” frames their heads. Concise slogans are intended to provide a context that can be quickly grasped and to arouse interest. More motifs will follow in the course of the year and the campaign will also be seen in other German cities nationwide.
“We wanted to use real colleagues to illustrate that everyone who works at the Charité is helping to shape the medicine of the future. No matter whether on the wards, at the PC or in the laboratory. Everyone has a job with a purpose,” emphasises Susanne Nitzsche, Head of Human Resources Marketing and HR Digitalisation.
In addition to the photo campaign, there is a virtual tour that provides exclusive insights into the operating theatre and other areas. The virtual 360° environment allows interactive insights into the Charité. Among other things, 13 key areas can be explored there and so a look into the operating theatre during an operation is also possible. But treatments in an intensive care unit, a teaching situation or a laboratory can also be discovered. More information about working life at the Charité – also outside of patient care – can be found in the more than 20 videos currently available.