The emergence of Artificial Intelligence, plays great role in new technological inventions structured to enable machines to undertake many tasks in line or in replacement of human beings. Therefore, need arises for certain regulations and ethics to cater for new human resources strategies.
There are examples of machines with engineered artificial intelligence as robots. Certain robots, are used to help in medical surgeries. Other robots, work as counter staff in banks or companies to perform instructions given by clients. Some are utilized in dangerous duties including detection of mines or hidden metals or poisonous liquids. What alerts, is the role of robots in medical surgeries. Irrespective of such role, any mistake is irreparable and catastrophes could happen. Even though, AI is widely used every where for whatever. This poses great risk and The Secretary General of the UN said very recently, that AI is dangerous as Atomic Bomb. Moreover, the Godfather of AI just quit Google and says he regrets his life’s work because it can be hard to stop ‘bad actors from using it for bad things’ Geoffrey Hinton was the pioneer behind some key concepts powering AI tools today. And, the risk of bad actors in there everywhere.
We believe, there is strong genuine need for special laws and ethical rules to govern AI work and to streamline with the aim of boosting technology and preserving human lives at the same time. The technology has gone remarkably to employ robots, such efforts are fully welcomed and respected, however, necessary legislations including ethical guidelines are required to regulate and legalize such new medical employees. Another example, we find in drones or e-cars, they are used to achieve many normal and sensitive duties in replacement for human beings. Drones, are used to deliver risky and non-risky items, for photography, videos and other missions. However, drones may detour and go to a different place or while going to the designated area they may trespass over others personal property without consent or even knowledge. Such instances are examples of clear breach of law and privacy. There is urgent need for such regulations with full compliance and this will give drones or others more creditability and thIs will be of more useful help.
We have extensively benefited from machines, moreover, we have had the ability to control and utilize them for humans needs. The following consequent 4th industrial revolution, as mentioned, will totally rely on machines and give them the necessary artificial intelligence to be able to do some work. Earlier we used to control machines, now, it appears that time has come for machines to control humans or to work by themselves apart from human’s hands, muscles or minds. Here comes the risk, from the fact that machines are deaf, ductless and lack senses and due to this they could be very dangerous or incapable or impotent to react in certain instances.
To conclude, we are in real need for products and inventions including (AI), for an advanced future. However, to achieve better, secure, save and sustainable results, there is strong imminent need to promulgate necessary advanced legislations and ethical rules. They are not to handicap (AI) or other e-development nor to curb or distract new inventions, rather, it should open the way and prepare the legal infrastructure for e-development to grow, blossom and breed all products for the benefit of humans, but, within the legal and ethical parameters.
There is strong call among legislators in America, to require issuing certain license for any entity working or intending to work in AI activities. Such licensing to be controlled by a regulatory authority to supervise and control certain activities undertaken by AI entities. I believe, this could be a good step in streamlining AI activities.
Dr. AbdelGadir Warsama / LEGAL COUNSEL