German-American Trade and Tech Conference – Day 2

The conference is the centerpiece of Aspen Germany’s German-American Trade and Tech Dialogue. The multi-stakeholder exchange forum is designed to foster understanding, trust and good faith between the two sides of the Atlantic. In the face of unprecedented challenges, of which many affect Germany and the United States in similar ways, the Trade and Tech Dialogue aims to promote a cooperation-oriented dialogue between the transatlantic partners to enable the development of common solutions to shared problems. A focal point of the discussions is the cooperation process of the EU-US Trade and Tech Council.

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The 2023 conference (14-15 February 2023) was held in the Federal State Representation of Baden-Württemberg in Berlin. It brings together central political voices and societal stakeholders from Germany and the United States, including representatives of international corporations, sustainability and labor-rights advocates, as well as experts from academia and think tanks.