DMEA 2023: Working together for the digitisation of healthcare

Live is live again – Starting signal for DMEA 2023

Photo: Messe Berlin
Asia 728x90

Berlin, 25. 04. 2023

DMEA 2023 starts today

For the next three days, the Berlin exhibition grounds will be the centre-stage of everything concerning the digitalisation of healthcare.

Around 300 speakers will be on the DMEA stages on all three days of the trade fair.

At DMEA 2023, more than 700 exhibitors from Germany and around the world will be present to showcase what they have on offer.

Attendance this year surpasses all the other editions in the last years.

More than 80 national and international start-ups will present themselves at the _Focus: Startups area and at the country pavilions of Denmark and Finland.

About the DMEA

DMEA is Europe’s central meeting place for digital health – where decision-makers from all areas of healthcare come together – from IT specialists to doctors, hospital and care managers, and experts from politics, science and research.

In 2022, the DMEA was able to achieve an increase in the number of visitors: More than 11,000 trade visitors attended DMEA – plus over 500 exhibitors and 300 national and international speakers.

The organiser of the DMEA is the Bundesverband Gesundheits-IT – bvitg e.V. (Federal Association for Health IT), and Messe Berlin GmbH is responsible for the organisation. The DMEA is also organised in cooperation with the industry associations GMDS (German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology) e.V., BVMI (Professional Association of Medical Informatics) e.V. and with the participation of KH-IT (Federal Association of Hospital IT Managers) e.V. and CIO-UK (Chief Information Officers – University Hospitals).